Original BT stream - with commentary.
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
Psychotic Motor Bike Racer
by The Fall Guy intrying to pull another motor cyclists handbrake on at 135 mph!!
this nut job should be banned for life!!.
the bbc news link shows this, while the youtube link reveals his past behaviour.
Psychotic Motor Bike Racer
by The Fall Guy intrying to pull another motor cyclists handbrake on at 135 mph!!
this nut job should be banned for life!!.
the bbc news link shows this, while the youtube link reveals his past behaviour.
The Fall Guy
Trying to pull another motor cyclists handbrake on at 135 mph!! This nut job should be banned for life!!
The BBC news link shows this, while the Youtube link reveals his past behaviour.
Expected pain
by former2free inlast week was a big week for me in terms of coming totally clean to my wife and her being more than on board to leave the jw’s with me.
we know what to expect but things happen from family and it still hurts just as bad.
last night my wife got a long text message from her brother that has seemed to be in the fence and he told her that same guilt tripping rhetoric that the wt uses about life in the paradise etc.
The Fall Guy
former2free - In your situation, fade. Admit nothing, and deflect any & all interrogative questions with "We have private & personal issues to deal with."
It is hard coming to terms with the reality of the cult, but knowledge is power, and the more damning evidence you discover about the org, the easier it will become. You'll both be so delighted that your eyes have been opened.
I wish you both a peaceful & happy exit.
For ACTIVE JW's: r&f JW's are 2nd Class Christians..........
by The Fall Guy in............according to your "faithful slave masters" -.
w10 1/15 p. 5 par 12 & footnote - "jesus’ “other sheep” will not become sons of god until the end of the thousand years.
however, (crap alert!
The Fall Guy
............according to your "faithful slave masters" -
w10 1/15 p. 5 par 12 & footnote - "Jesus’ “other sheep” will not become sons of God until the end of the thousand years. However, (crap alert!) since they have dedicated themselves to God, they can properly address God as “Father” and can rightly be considered members of Jehovah’s family of worshippers." (They can call God 'father,' but God doesn't view them as 'children'? Very good logic, WT)
Here's Jesus', Paul's, and John's logic:
(Matthew 12:50) whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, the same is my brother......”
(Matthew 13:38) The field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom;
(Mark 3:35) Whoever does the will of God, this one is my brother and sister and mother.”
(Luke 8:21) In reply he said to them: “My mother and my brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.”
(John 1:12,13) However, as many as did receive him, to them he gave authority to become God’s children.........
(John 15:14) YOU are my friends if YOU do what I am commanding YOU.
(Rom. 8:14) For all who are led by God’s spirit, these are God’s sons.
(1 John 5:1) Every one who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a child of God..........(RSV)
One last WT reference to help remind JW's of their WT-imposed lower Christian status:
w08 1/15 p. 21 par. 8 - "Anointed Christians are declared righteous, because they exercise faith in Jesus' ransom sacrifice". In Jehovah’s eyes, (aka the org's eyes) they are acquitted of sin and can be anointed with holy spirit to be spiritual sons of God, brothers of Jesus Christ. They come into the new covenant and form a new nation, “the Israel of God.”
If exercising faith in Jesus' ransom is the requirement to be declared righteous in God's eyes in this life, then more than 8m r&f JW's cannot have faith in Jesus' sacrifice yet - otherwise they'd be "anointed."
Not to mention that they are also not part of God's nation - only the "anointed" are!
Adding insult to injury when the WT kicks out a congregation from their hall
by nowwhat? innot only does the organization confiscate the hall the congregation owns.
but then the former congregants are told to continue to pay for utilities and they are still responsible for upkeep and maintenance.
so they still have to cut the grass etc.
The Fall Guy
My sources tell me that the Kilbirnie KH on the west coast of Scotland is still lying empty - after 9 months of waiting for its alleged scheduled refurb!
Methinks the relocated congregation will soon receive a letter telling them that since they are now used to the extra travelling, they may as well stay in their "adopted" KH so that their old KH can be sold off.
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." (Abraham Lincoln)
The Fall Guy
It's effectively dead and buried now.
Despite it being allegedly an "ongoing investigation," it looks like the cult has dodged the bullet in the UK.
"The policy and procedures are common to all Jehovah’s Witness congregations in England and Wales and are being examined further as part of the Commission’s ongoing inquiry into WTBTSB. The Commission is also examining as part of the ongoing WTBTSB inquiry the practical measures which will be taken to minimise the risk of the issues identified by this inquiry from recurring in other congregations. Issues of particular relevance to this inquiry that will be examined further in the WTBTSB inquiry include:"
1) the application of the ‘two-witness rule’
Governments/courts are renowned for being loathe to confront & deal with religious practices.
Where’s the Anger Toward Child Abuse
by xjwsrock inthey can smash a glass expressing their disdain for higher education.
where is their anger over child abuse or domestic violence?
these are actually issues worthy of anger and even a violent display in order to gain attention.
The Fall Guy
A very good point to ask any JW to consider!
Carts on both ends of the farmersmarket
by Still Totally ADD inmy wife and me have a booth at the local framers market.
there is usually about 12 t0 14 vendors each week on a small short street in town.
what is funny on each end of this short street are cart setups with 3 people on each cart.
The Fall Guy
Trolley JW's cannot, and know that they cannot, defend their cult's dogmas or practices, thanks to the information age - information which their "faithful slave-masters" in Warwick forbid them from even looking at!
Wonderful example of JW's obediently following the org's orders to run away if confronted.
What happened to jtrottigy?
by Freedom rocks injust curious if he's still lurking and making idle threats.
you can't find all of us who are on jwtalk!
hopefully what you've read on this site has made you start to think and see the truth about the organisation though that "it's not the truth!
The Fall Guy
@ DOC - the sad truth is that most of the lurkers here don't just get "seeds" of truth, they get complete truths and Bible facts - information which JW minds have been warned/threatened/conditioned not to consider.
Regarding the org's alleged Bible teachings, the JW psyche has been primed to stop discussing these with anyone who can use the scriptures just as well/better than JW's can.
e.g. the trolley-elder who couldn't reply honestly to my statement about the org's invention of "new" scrolls. He told me to write to the UK Branch if I wanted answers to my questions!!! Shepherds & glorious ones? LOL
For New Lurkers - The Great Tribulation Myth
by The Fall Guy inthe wtbts/"faithful slave" have been promising/warning bible students & jw's for over 100 years that the great tribulation of matthew 24 was imminent.
this fear-factor is also used annually to "motivate" inactive jw's into attending the memorial.. does the bible teach that the tribulations of matthew 24:21 & revelation 7:14 are one and the same?.
the great tribulation spoken of at revelation 7:14 cannot be the same one jesus spoke of at matthew 24:21 - for two reasons: .
The Fall Guy
w13 7/15 p. 3 par. 2 - “Tell Us, When Will These Things Be?” - "Through the years, Jehovah’s servants have prayerfully studied Jesus’ prophecy about the last days. They have sought to get a clearer understanding [in other words, disregard what Jesus said at Acts 1:7] of the timing of the fulfillment of Jesus’ words."
(Acts 1:7) "He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction."
LOL :) Why did we not see such simple real truths when we were active??????